There are a lot of citizen who suffer from gout these days who are on the guard for an efficient treatment in this regard. Of course, there are discrete drugs which claim to give relief from this painful arthritic condition, but other than that, one can find several natural ways to manage gout effectively, some of which are given below.
Finger Joint Swelling
Before we embark on natural ways of managing gout, it is essential that you understand the basics of gout. Gout is a kind of arthritis, which produces swelling, pain, and inflammation in the smaller joints of the body, a reaction against the build-up of uric acid crystals. The normal quantity of uric acid which is produced in our body is eliminated with the help of the kidneys. But when an excess of uric acid is produced due to discrete causes like excess intake of meat, alcohol, seafood, rich and fatty food, etc it tends to get stored in the joints of the big toe, fingers, wrist, ankles, knees, elbows, etc as needle like crystals and produces an extremely painful condition characterized by swelling, redness, and heat.
Treatment of gout, whether natural or through drugs, essentially involves reducing the uric acid levels in the body and blood stream so that it doesn't get in the joints, thereby preventing gout attacks. When diagnosed with gout, doctors will prescription non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs (Nsaids) to bring down the inflammation and supplement it with cortisone injections and discrete other drugs to lower uric acid levels. One of the main disadvantages of drugs over natural ways of managing gout is that it not only causes side effects, but one needs to take it usually for a very long duration of time.
A healthier selection would be to switch over to natural ways of managing gout through which one need not fear any possible side effects that are detrimental to the condition of a person. discrete natural methods to manage gout can help in relieving pain as well as lowering uric acid levels in the body.
Eat a bowl of cherries daily or drink cherry juice. Drink 3 - 4 liters of water daily. Drink diluted mixture of 3 tsp of raw apple cider in a glass of water three times daily. Drink a mixture of baking soda and water. Alternate with a hot and cold water compress in the affected area. Alfalfa, devils' claw, nettle, saffron, juniper, etc lowers uric acid levels in the body. Stay away from red meat, poultry, gravies, sauces, alcohol, etc Exercise daily and keep fit.
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