Sunday, April 15, 2012

Thumb Joint Pain - prognosis and treatment

Understand the causes of thumb joint pain and study the permissible methods to attend to the injury. The opposing thumb is a essential asset that should not be taken for granted. The thumb sets human beings apart from most of other species on earth. It enables us to grab things and manipulate tools. Therefore, we should pay due concentration to any recurring pain on our thumbs and other fingers. Do not neglect the problem and let it deteriorate till you lose your grip.

Finger Joint Swelling

Thumb join pain can be categorised into three types; pain as a corollary of strain or injury, arthritis and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. An injured thumb shows black and blue discoloration. You may feel pain when you move your thumb side to side. Another base cause for thumb and other fingers pain is prolonged usage of smartphones or tablets. Apply ice wrapped in a towel or submerge the thumb in cold water to ease the pain and swell. Rest the thumb so that to speed up the healing. If the pain is persistent and excruciating, go to see a physician to seek curative treatment.

Arthritis is a base cause of thumb joint pain due to old age or calcium insufficiency which leads to the weakening of the bones. The thumb joint under stress is called carpometacarpal joint or basal joint. Basal joint arthritis is also known as osteoarthritis. The cartilage that protects and cushions the thumb joint is worn out, thus causing pain during movement of the hand. Consult a physician to get a suitable splint that supports the thumb and to great control its movement. The physician may designate medication or cortisone injection to control and sacrifice joint inflammation. Medicinal surgical operation may be suggested as a explication to sacrifice the nagging thumb joint pain.

Thumb Joint Pain Due To Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a severe problem to the thumb joint pain. It is brought on by nerve damage. Most habitancy with this syndrome use their hands in repetitive motions which compress the nerves in the wrists which are situated between the carpal bones and the transverse ligament. The pain may generate from the wrist and gradually work it way up the thumb. The symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome include; deadness in your forearm and hand, growth deadness which cause heighten pain when you use your hand and stiffness in your finger when you wake up in the morning. It can be treated with therapy and protective splint or surgical operation can be carried out to fix the ligament.

Early detection of the cause of the painful fingers is crucial and seeking help from a physician is essential to nib the problem in the butt. Although you need to rest the painful hand to help with its healing, prolonged inactivity can aggravate the pain because lack of movement may cause the swollen joint to turn stiff. Try to keep your thumb active even you are experiencing thumb joint pain.

1 comment:

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