Saturday, April 7, 2012

Rheumatoid Arthritis (Ra)

Ra is characterized by painful swelling of the small joints of hands, feet, wrist, ankles, and knees and cervical spine. Pain occurs less in shoulders, elbows and hips. Any joint may be affected by swelling, stiffness and hot, painful, red joints.

Finger Joint Swelling

Further effects of Rd includes inflammation of arteries, anemia, dry eyes and lack of saliva, inflammation of the white of the eye, inflammation of the heart membrane, nerve disease, kidney disease and enlargement of spleen.

The tasteless corporeal symptoms consist of pain and aches, stiffness, fatigue, weight loss and tiredness due to anemia. As other principles in the body like lungs, spleen and kidneys- may also be involved; it is sometimes called rheumatoid disease (Rd).

As the disease progresses, ligament, bone and cartilage damage may occur producing deformities seen in long-term destructive Ra. Deformities can consist of carpal tunnel syndrome, swelling of the knuckle and wrist joints, inability to straighten the finger and nodules on the arm.

This disease hits more senior citizens than was at first realized 15 years ago but doctors with great technology now show it is a tasteless aliment that affects our seniors. The outpatient and their house need to understand the nature of Ra and how will it influence them. They also need to understand treatment regime and be assured that the progression of the disease may be slowed or halted with the right medication. The available medication includes corporeal and drug measures.

Specific therapy is also given to remove pain and act on the inflammation. The outpatient may also be treated with varying levels of drug therapy agreeing to the severity of the disease and its response to treatment. The doctor may propose surgery to relax pain and to exact deformity.

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